Learn more about our Curbside Drop-Off/Pick-up for daycare & retail protocols.
1045 Hinesburg Road
South Burlington, Vermont 05403
March 25, 2020
Happy Tails Pet Resort and Spa is open, and meets the criteria to be open for business. We are keeping in compliance with Executive Order 01-20 to properly respond to this COVID-19 emergency.
Effective March 25, 2020 at 5:00 p.m., all businesses and not-for-profit entities not expressly exempted in the order must suspend all in-person business operations. Operations that can be conducted online or by phone, or sales that can be facilitated with curbside pickup or delivery, can continue.
Happy Tails has suspended all in-person operations and we have implemented curbside drop-off and pick-up service for dog daycare. Our building is closed to the public.
Happy Tails sells retail pet food and supplies. Our retail operations are facilitated with curbside pick-up only.
The Order provides exemptions for businesses and entities providing services or functions deemed critical to public health and safety, as well as economic and national security.
Happy Tails’ clients predominantly include professionals in the medical, pharmaceutical, veterinary, law enforcement, public safety and first responders, military and governmental personnel, trash collection, animal feed manufacturing, transportation, and grocery store proprietors. We are proud to be serving people who need care for their pets while they are serving and caring for humans in response to COVID-19.
All entities must strictly adhere to CDC and Vermont Department of Health guidance to ensure social distancing and proper hygiene and disinfecting is occurring.
Happy Tails is in full compliance:
Maintaining a distance of 10 feet between persons
Requiring employees to practice appropriate hygiene measures, including regular, thorough handwashing
Requiring employees who are sick remain home
Regularly cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces