Learn more about our Curbside Drop-Off/Pick-up for daycare & retail protocols.
1045 Hinesburg Road
South Burlington, Vermont 05403

Our overnight guests get a vacation too. Our 20,000 sq. ft. resort offers 10,000 sq. ft. of indoor and 10,000 sq. ft. of outdoor play space for our dog guests to play when you are boarding your pet. When the sun goes down, we bring them to their private luxury suite where they have their uninterrupted supper. After dinner and some time to recharge, it’s time to join the lucky dogs from the Evening Play group for more fun. As the evening comes to an end, our overnight lodging guests say good night to their new buddies. With the lights dimmed low, and soft music playing through the integrated sound system, your pet will fall fast asleep dreaming of the fun they have had throughout the day. Our cat guests will enjoy a unique and separate space where they can soak up the sun in the spacious cat sanctuary.
STANDARD SUITE (4'W x 4'L x 6'H) $75
DELUXE SUITE (4'W x 6'LX 6'H) $88
Facility is staffed overnight.
Monday through Friday boarding check-in and check-out during the following times only: 8am - 5pm.
Saturday and Sunday boarding check-in and check-out during the following times only: 8am - 10am in the morning or 3pm - 5pm in the afternoon.
The above lodging pricing is from noon to noon. If you check-in before noon or check-out after noon, a $26 half-day of daycare while boarding charge will apply.
Prepaid daycare packages may not be used toward half-day while boarding charges.

ALL CAT ATRIUMS ARE $50/NIGHT. We will always upgrade your cat to the Family Atrium if available at the time of check-in.
FAMILY ATRIUM (3'W x 6'L x 6'H, with a window and viewing perch)
DELUXE ATRIUM (3'W x 3'L x 6'H, with a window view)
Monday through Friday boarding check-in and check-out during the following times only: 8am - 5pm
Saturday and Sunday boarding check-in and check-out during the following times only:
8am - 10am in the morning or 3pm - 5pm in the afternoon. -
The above lodging price covers the period noon to noon. If you check-in before noon or check-out after noon, a $18.00 half-day of daycare while boarding charge will apply.
Our cat sanctuary includes:
24-hour supervision by qualified and loving staff for our cat boarding guests
Large private glass atrium for each cat with a separate litter box area
Cats can stretch out in their hammocks and play on their cat tree
Extra-large windows provide entertainment with views of the outside bird feeders
Large viewing window for pet parents to enjoy watching the cats at play